• One week Mediterranean diet plan
    Diet Plans,  Mediterranean Diet

    One Week Diet Plan for the Mediterranean Diet [FREE]

    Weed out the harmful substances trapped in the intestinal flora if you eat like this:I show you a one-week Mediterranean diet plan One week sample diet for the Mediterranean diet There are billions of bacteria in the human intestinal tract that play an active role in human digestion, but also in many other processes that contribute to fat storage and weight loss. And recent research suggests that plant-based diets may help maintain microbial health. Low-carbohydrate diets, and those that contain mainly plant-based foods and protein, such as the Mediterranean diet or the Okinawan diet, have some beneficial effects. Due to their low carbohydrate content, they are also ideal for diabetics.…

  • Bodybuilding Pizza Recipe
    Health,  Recipes

    Bodybuilding Diet Pizza Recipe

    Dieters Go Crazy for Cottage Cheese Pizza! Finally, a great idea to replace fattening pizza dough! This pizza doesn’t fatten! Everyone thinks that if you have a healthy and fitness lifestyle, pizza is excluded. The first thing to do about dieting is to forget the bread, and perhaps the hardest thing: Forget the pizza. Now forget this! I am going to prove to you that you can eat pizza during your diet, but no matter what kind of. When it comes to bodybuilding and healthy eating, everyone associates with diet and self-restraint. This is a very misconception and I am sad that many misunderstood blog posts and misrepresentations have created…