Bodybuilding Pizza Recipe
Health,  Recipes

Bodybuilding Diet Pizza Recipe

Dieters Go Crazy for Cottage Cheese Pizza!

Cottage Cheese Pizza Recipe
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Finally, a great idea to replace fattening pizza dough! This pizza doesn’t fatten!

Everyone thinks that if you have a healthy and fitness lifestyle, pizza is excluded. The first thing to do about dieting is to forget the bread, and perhaps the hardest thing: Forget the pizza. Now forget this! I am going to prove to you that you can eat pizza during your diet, but no matter what kind of.

Curd Diet Pizza
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When it comes to bodybuilding and healthy eating, everyone associates with diet and self-restraint. This is a very misconception and I am sad that many misunderstood blog posts and misrepresentations have created such an image in people’s minds about a healthy lifestyle. Check out the most common diet mistakes you probably do during your diet. Click here!

Diet Pizza
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Being healthy and dieting should not be about giving up anything you love. Think about what kind of life would that be ?! The healthy version should be the better version of yourself!

With this bodybuilding pizza, I solve all your pizza problems in an instant. Save this recipe and use it boldly in your diet to see how your protein intake affects you. Curd or cottage cheese replace a significant proportion of the flour in its dough so that its carbohydrate content is significantly lower than in conventional varieties.


  • 450 g Low-fat Cottage Cheese 
  • 140 g Oatmeal 
  • 2 Eggs 
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Oregano-Basil 


Pizza Dough Making
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  1. Work the ingredients together, and when the dough has formed, put it in the fridge for at least 10 minutes.
  2. Distribute the dough in a baking sheet covered with baking paper. With a little coconut fat you can brush the baking paper because it is quite sticky.
  3. Next to baking: Put the dough in the oven for 10-12 minutes.
  4. Take your half-finished pizza out of the oven and you can go for all the good you love. Ham, cheese, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes etc …
    ( Chef’s note: I usually use chicken with zucchini. For me this is the perfect combination.)
  5. In about 20 minutes at 200 degrees, bake the pizza, divine delicious and not fattening!
  6. Enjoy!
Have you tried my ‘Bodybuilding Diet Pizza’ Recipe Yet? Let me know in the comments how was it and inspire others. Support this article by sharing if you think people in your environment should stop using nonsense diets and instead pursue a healthy lifestyle.


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